Cambridge Past, Present and Future calls for rethink over plans for Beehive Centre
A charity is calling for redevelopment plans to transform the Beehive Centre in Cambridge to be “completely rethought”.
Cambridge Past, Present and Future say the proposals “remain poor” and represent a “massive over-development of the site”.
The charity made the comments in its response to the third and final consultation on ambitious plans to transform the retail park, off Newmarket Road, into workplaces for science and innovation businesses amid a host of amenities, including independent shops, green space and a wetland area, waterfront cafés and restaurants, a community pavilion, an events square and growers’ garden.
Railpen, one of the largest pension funds in the UK, owns the site and Cambridge Retail Park next door, and conducted the consultation ahead of submitting a planning application.
But Cambridge PPF has raised concerns around the site’s suitability for employment and instead prefers a mixed scheme, including residential. The charity also objects to the scale and height of the buildings and the lack of open green space.
“We are disappointed that the land uses have not included residential,” said Sarah Nicholas, principal planning officer at Cambridge PPF.
“This site presents a wonderful opportunity for a residential-led mixed use development at a density that respects its immediate context. Cambridge PPF consider it is important that housing is provided to support the commercial element of the proposal. We are concerned that the provision of R&D and laboratory space is a poorly considered reaction to the current demand rather than understanding the longer-term role of this site in the strategic development of the city and considering the uses suitable on this site.”
Ms Nicholas continued: “We consider that the proposed development, despite changes from 2021 proposals, represents a massive over-development of the site that is surrounded by two-storey residential neighbourhoods.
“Cambridge has a distinctive skyline that combines towers, turrets, chimneys and spires with large trees. The overall character of the city’s skyline is one of relatively few taller buildings that emerge as ‘incidents’ above the prevailing lower buildings and trees.”
The charity is concerned large blocks of seven to eight storeys in height are particularly bulky and will be visually intrusive from the conservation area.
It believes any application must clearly demonstrate how the proposal interfaces with the surrounding areas.
Cambridge PPF also believes the Beehive is an “inappropriate location for a high density employment development” because of its “poor accessibility by public transport”, with Cambridge station at least a 20-minute walk from the site.
However, Railpen says it will invest in 15 new buses an hour with new local bus services and improved frequency, with its plans aiming to take 10,000 cars off the road.
It has also committed to a significant relocation scheme, including of the Asda store, following concerns raised about the loss of retail.
The Beehive currently features 260,000 sq ft of retail, which in addition to Asda, is home to the likes of TK Maxx, Pets at Home, Hobbycraft, Dreams, B&M, Next, M&S Foodhall, Home Sense, Wren Kitchens and others.
It also says the redevelopment will create 5,000 new jobs from entry level to senior positions, and it has been working with groups and charities, including Cambridge Science Centre, Make Space for Girls, Cambs Youth Panel and Cam Skate to make sure the site works for the community.
Matt Howard, head of property asset management, told the Cambridge Independent: “I understand there will be a lot of change and I understand that change can be uncomfortable at times, but I’m super-excited about what we are going to be doing on the Beehive. It’s going to be world-leading. It’s going to be for the community.
“Railpen’s goal is that anyone walking up to our multiple access points is not going to feel this is some sterile business park. This is not a business park. This is a community-led scheme.
“We want to create a scheme and environment where the innovation and science community merges with the local community.”
Railpen hopes to submit an outline planning application during August or September. It could take a year to process, with no changes expected on the Beehive before 2026.