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Cambridge Standing Tall: Jiggles and Iggles unveiled as sponsors select giraffe designs for sculpture trail

‘Jiggles and Iggles’ was unveiled as representatives of businesses and organisations selected designs for their very own giraffe sculptures to join the Cambridge Standing Tall art trail.

The new giraffe was revealed as the selection event was held at the Hilton Cambridge City Centre last Thursday.

Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell
Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell

The sculpture trail will be delivered by the charity Break – which supports young people in care, leaving care and on the edge of care across East Anglia – in partnership with Wild in Art and Cambridge BID, and is being supported by the Cambridge Independent.

Dozens of giraffe sculptures featuring artists’ designs will tower over the city for 10 weeks next spring, each sponsored by a local business.

Ellie Edge, Break partnership manager, said: “There have been some really amazing designs submitted from some very talented artists and I know that all the sponsors had a really tough time choosing!

Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell
Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell

“This event really is the start of the trails journey and now the designs have been chosen, the artists can begin to bring these gentle giants to life ready for them to be unveiled on the city’s streets next spring.

“But there is always room in our herd for more sponsors and there’s still some amazing to designs to choose from, so I’d encourage any business who has thought about being involved to contact us.”

Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell
Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell

‘Jiggles and Iggles’ is sponsored by the trail’s logistics partner, Pentaco Construction, and has been created by artist Rachel Butler.

Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell
Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell

Louise Reeve, social value and engagement manager from Pentaco, said: “We absolutely love Jiggles and Iggles!

“It represents what we do really well and shows how a great piece of art can work alongside your business and doesn’t always have to be literal.

Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell
Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell

“Construction is all about moving parts and bringing everything together, so the jigsaw pieces are a great theme for us. And the wonderful little Iggles represents the young people that join our business and how we need to future proof the construction industry.

Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell
Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell

“This will be our third trail with Break and for us the staff moral and networking it generates is fantastic whilst also knowing your helping both the local economy and raising funds for a great charity.”

After the trail, a number of the sculptures will be made available for auction with all money raised going towards supporting young care leavers, who have to leave care at just 18, ensuring Break can be with them on their journey towards independence for as long as they need.

Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge, Cambridge BID Chair Maria Manion. Picture: Keith Heppell
Cambridge Standing Tall selection event at the Hilton City Centre Cambridge, Cambridge BID Chair Maria Manion. Picture: Keith Heppell

For more information on the trail and how to get involved, visit break-charity.org/cambridge-standing-tall/.

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