Girton College plans for 405 student rooms off Huntingdon Road approved
Girton College’s outline plans for 405 university student rooms off Huntingdon Road have been approved.
Concerns were raised by South Cambridgeshire district councillors about the impact on the GP surgery and the sewage systems, but were told discussions would continue to allay these concerns.
More detailed plans will need approval before work can start.
The rooms, on green belt land, will help the University of Cambridge college meet its student accommodation needs over the next 25 to 30 years.
The plans also include a new sports pitch and the relocation of tennis courts. A new vehicle access is planned from Girton Road for deliveries.
Similar plans were approved back in 2016, but the permission lapsed as more detailed follow up plans were not submitted due to the pandemic.
James Anderson, for the college, told councillors work on more detailed designs was under way, and said it was “excited about taking this forward”.
A member of the public who lives opposite the current pedestrian access that is proposed to become a vehicle access for deliveries feared it would create more noise and impact the privacy of their home with drivers being able to see in their windows.
The resident also warned about the impact on safety on Girton Road.
A college representative did not expect the number of journeys to rise or noise levels to increase. A maximum of 20 deliveries a day are expected, mostly arrive during work hours.
Amid concern over the impact on the GP surgery, ifficers said it was accepted that a financial contribution would need to be made by the college towards health services, but negotiations were ongoing.
Mr Anderson said the college would not “short-change the NHS”.
Cllr Geoff Harvey (Lib Dem, Balsham) was concerned about the sewage system capacity but officers said Anglian Water had a legal requirement to provide the capacity if the plans were approved.
Cllr Anna Bradnam (Lib Dem, Milton and Waterbeach) was “anxious” about the loss of green space but recognised the benefits for students.
A majority of councillors voted in favour, subject to the application not being called in by the secretary of state, due to it being contrary to the development plan.A