How would you improve Bramblefields nature reserve in Chesterton?
Developer contributions have been allocated to enhance biodiversity and access at Bramblefields Local Nature Reserve.
The council has funds from developers to improve Bramblefields Local Nature Reserve (LNR) in Chesterton, near Cambridge North station.
There are several suggestions for how this money would best be spent, and a consultation is being held from today, October 20, until Deceber 1 so that residents can have their say.
The plans include:
Installing a variety of bird and bat boxes across the site
Installing a new pond (this has already been secured through the planning application for the adjacent Chesterton Station, funded by Network Rail. It is proposed the works will be implemented by the City Council at the same time as these enhancements)
Restoring the existing pond, dipping platform and interpretation board
Updating and renewing interpretation panels
Creating earth mounds for amphibians and reptiles with flower rich planting for pollinating insects
Removing the redundant play equipment wooden poles
Increasing bench provision
The council aims to implement the works prior to March 2018.
Full details of the consultation and areas of improvement can be found online.